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We are a supplier of ever 100 percent pure certified organically grown Aloe Vera Gel Juice. I am contacting you because I can help you improve the pulling power of your Business without increasing your budget With reference to the above subject, I thank you for kind interest in our product. I am pleased to submit the following for your consideration: We wish to introduce ourselves for marketing, distribution & sales of their World Class Aloe Vera Gel & Whole Leaf Liquid Concentrates, Spray & Freeze Dried Powder with unique patented technology called ACTIValoe The product ACTIValoe ALOE VERA GEL JUICE is natural Aloe Vera Juice certified 100% pure by International Aloe Science Council (IASC), USA through their patented technology called ACTIValoeThe health benefits of Aloe Vera as a dietary supplement has been proven from Centuries ago. Scientific research has proved the health benefits of ALOE in several ways that it stimulates the bodys innate immune system as a whole.... [Details]